I am currently working on a custom canvas and in that i have to add a table,So i thought dataGrid would be fine. SO i Want to create a "Table" from "Datagrid" by which user can add a table to the canvas at runtime.
Till now, I have tried to Populate DataGrid With a list and succeded.
How Can I add Columns to a Datagrid at runtime,such that the number of columns and header value Would be taken from the user at runtime using a textbox and based on the value of the textbox the datagrid should add columns and header value.
Actually I want to develop a Table in which user passes the no of columns and the column header and the table should be generated.
"Can you suggest me with a way where i should look in order to to "Draw" a Table using DrawingVisual class"
It is a part of GraphicsTable Class
//Custom Classes "DrawingCanvas & GraphicsTable"
public void CreateDataGrid(GraphicsTable graphicsTable, DrawingCanvas drawingCanvas)
dt = new DataGrid();
dt.Name = "Data";
dt.ItemsSource = person();
dt.AllowDrop = true;
dt.AutoGenerateColumns = true;
dt.Height = graphicsTable.Rectangle.Height;
dt.Width = graphicsTable.Rectangle.Width;
Canvas.SetTop(dt, graphicsTable.Rectangle.Top);
Canvas.SetLeft(dt, graphicsTable.Rectangle.Left);
dt.Width = dt.Width;
dt.Height = dt.Height;
//I have just tried to add dome dummy data to the datagrid.
public List<Person> person()
List<Person> peep = new List<Person>();
peep.Add(new Person() {});
return peep;
public class Person
private string name;
private double salary;
public string Names
get { return name; }
set { name = value; }
public double Salary
get { return salary; }
set { salary = value; }