I recently implemented a basic web app which relied on Google's TTS URL to generate clear MP3 files for playback on the front end.
This has since been subject to an additional security check, meaning I have had to update the code base to use alternative methods.
One such alternative is javascript's speech synthesis API, i.e. SpeechSynthesisUtterance() and window.speechSynthesis.speak('...'). This works really well on my desktop and laptop but as soon as I use it on my iOS devices, the rate of the audio is accelerated significantly.
Can anyone suggest what I can do to resolve this?
See below for example code:
var msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
msg.text = item.title;
msg.voice = "Google UK English Male";
msg.rate = 0.7;
msg.onend = function(){
console.log('message has ended');
msg.onerror = function(){
console.log('ERROR WITH SPEECH API');