I've built a simple dropdown menu.
The code and demo is here: http://jsfiddle.net/3Lq2d/5/
It looks like this:
Mousing over MENU 1
fades in the Submenu
It works great, unless you happen to be a spaz and jiggle your mouse around a lot over the menu, in which case it gets stuck in a semi-transparent state.
Using .stop(true,true)
fixes the spaz issue, but removes the ability to mouse down from the menu to the submenu. I am using fadeIn/fadeOut to give a slight delay, so when the mouse moves from the menu to the submenu, the submenu stays visible ... stop(true,true) breaks this.
What's the best way to build a fading menu with a slight delay in all the right places?
I tinkered until total satisfaction, adding delays for hoverintent ... here's the final code: http://jsfiddle.net/3Lq2d/75/