I want to read:
for a particular SVG element.
I suppose that easiest way to go about this is to fetch the minimum bounding box first and read it's properties.
How can I access this?
I want to read:
measurementsfor a particular SVG element.
I suppose that easiest way to go about this is to fetch the minimum bounding box first and read it's properties.
How can I access this?
Assuming you have a handle to the element, I would think that this would work, no?
box = svgedit.utilities.getBBox(selected);
If you have a reference to the DOM node, use
Edit: SVG Edit has a method to return currently selected elements:
so in the above example:
svgNode = svgCanvas.getSelectedElems()[0];
Please see http://granite.sru.edu/~ddailey/svg/BBox0M.svg for the example and answer.
In brief, this code works for me in Chrome:
function foo(evt)
<circle onclick="foo(evt)" r="20%" cx="50%" cy="50%"/>
I'm not sure if I'm understanding you correctly, but if you're looking to get the height or width of a jQuery element, use width() and height():
log("The svg is " + $("img").width() + "px wide.");
log("The svg is " + $("img").height() + "px tall.");
JSFiddle example: http://jsfiddle.net/gGWU4/