I'm using nbconvert to make a reveal.js slideshow from my notebook. Specifically, I'm running: ipython nbconvert --to slides analysis.ipynb
. This creates "analysis.slides.html", and I put "reveal.js" in the same folder. That is, I have:
- reveal.js
- ...
- analysis.ipynb
- analysis.slides.html
However, when opening "analysis.slides.html" in the browser JavaScript console, I get the following:
analysis.slides.html:1992 Uncaught ReferenceError: Reveal is not defined
analysis.slides.html:2032 Uncaught ReferenceError: Reveal is not defined
require.min.js:8 Uncaught Error: Mismatched anonymous define() module: function () {
root.Reveal = factory();
return root.Reveal;
I don't get a 404 error for the line which loads reveal.js - <script src="reveal.js/js/reveal.js"></script>
- so any ideas why I might be seeing the errors I am?