In PHP5.3.3 (on CentOS and apache2) I am attempting to connect to a SFTP via a php script. The code grabs the keys and server details from the constructor
function __construct(){
$this->host = 'servername.loc';
$this->port = SFTP_PORT;
$this->auth_user = 'username';
$this->auth_pub = '/data/home/username/.ssh/';
$this->auth_priv = '/data/home/username/.ssh/id_rsa';
$this->auth_pass = null;
$this->connection = null;
and uses those details to create the connection.
private function connect(){
if (!($this->connection = ssh2_connect($this->host, $this->port))) {
$this->response = array('code' => "20",
"message" => "Error connecting to SFTP server.");
return false;
if (!ssh2_auth_pubkey_file($this->connection, $this->auth_user, $this->auth_pub,
$this->auth_priv, $this->auth_pass)) {
$this->response = array('code' => "40",
"message" => "Error authenticating to SFTP server with key.");
return false;
The result I get is an error on the call to ssh2_auth_pubkey_file()
The error is:
"ssh2_auth_pubkey_file(): Authentication failed for USERNAME using public key: Invalid key data, not base64 encoded"
There is no password on the key, and I can use these keys via CLI ssh to connect to the server manually.
I am stumped. Do I need to encode the keys somehow? Suggestions?