My TaskB requires TaskA, and on completion TaskA writes to a MySQL table, and then TaskB is to take in this output to the table as its input.
I cannot seem to figure out how to do this in Luigi. Can someone point me to an example or give me a quick example here?
The existing MySqlTarget in luigi uses a separate marker table to indicate when the task is complete. Here's the rough approach I would take...but your question is very abstract, so it is likely to be more complicated in reality.
import luigi
from datetime import datetime
from luigi.contrib.mysqldb import MySqlTarget
class TaskA(luigi.Task):
rundate = luigi.DateParameter(
target_table = "table_to_update"
host = "localhost:3306"
db = "db_to_use"
user = "user_to_use"
pw = "pw_to_use"
def get_target(self):
return MySqlTarget(, database=self.db, user=self.user,, table=self.target_table,
def requires(self):
return []
def output(self):
return self.get_target()
def run(self):
#update table
class TaskB(luigi.Task):
def requires(self):
return [TaskA()]
def run(self):
# reading from target_table