How can I start a script over again? I have 3 switches and I want them to revert back to the beginning of the script.
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Write-Host "--Please Login using a.account--"
$credential = Get-Credential
Write-Host "--Remote Computer Rename v2.0--"
Write-Host "1. Query AD (Outputs to a text file)"
Write-Host "2. Quick computer rename"
Write-host "3. Quit"
$choice=Read-Host "Chose a number to continue"
#AD Query for computer
switch ($choice)
1 {
Write-Host "--Enter first five characters of computer name or full computer name i.e. USCLT--"
$cn=Read-Host 'Computer name'
Get-ADComputer -Filter 'SamAccountName -like $out' >> c:\myscripts\dsquery.txt
Write-Host "Query complete. See dsquery.txt saved to Desktop."
} of my code.
So after See dsquery.txt saved to Desktop." I want it to go back to write-host portion.
My personal favorite for checking user input is the do { } until ()
loop. Here is your code with the added loop, this will accomplish what your looking for:
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Write-Host "--Please Login using a.account--"
$credential = Get-Credential
do {
Write-Host "--Remote Computer Rename v2.0--"
Write-Host "1. Query AD (Outputs to a text file)"
Write-Host "2. Quick computer rename"
Write-host "3. Quit"
$choice=Read-Host "Chose a number to continue"
#AD Query for computer
switch ($choice)
1 {
Write-Host "--Enter first five characters of computer name or full computer name i.e. USCLT--"
$cn=Read-Host 'Computer name'
Get-ADComputer -Filter 'SamAccountName -like $out' >> c:\myscripts\dsquery.txt
Write-Host "Query complete. See dsquery.txt saved to Desktop."
} of my code.
} until ($choice -eq 3)
This is a pretty unique strategy in my opinion. I took this from Jerry Lee Ford’s book : Microsoft Windows PowerShell Programming for the absolute beginner
you can read more about these and every other loop in powershell here :
Simple, short, stupid:
& cmd /c pause
This will even contribute the "Press any key" message the TO requested. If you prefer to stay in PowerShell:
Read-Host "Press any key to exit..."
But we may also get the input back:
$reply = Read-Host "Please type EXIT to exit"
if ($reply -eq "EXIT") { exit; }
I like that Read-Host
exits the script when typing Ctrl-C, like cmd's pause
Enclose the whole thing in a while (1) {}
block. That creates an infinite loop that will only terminate if it encounters a break (end the loop) or exit (end the script). Presumably, option 3 will lead to one of those statements.
From a blog post I found:
echo "Press any key to exit..."
$Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho, IncludeKeyDown") | OUT-NULL