The issue: When I use this.setState and I output the state in the callback, it doesn't change at all but when I nest the setstate inside a setstate it will then work correctly.
Example: This doesn't work -
data: newData
This does work -
data: newData
}, () => {
data: newData
Does this have something to do with the way react batches state updates?
This is the actual code in which the setstate doesn't work unless I nest it (I've tried commenting everything out in this function and using setState to set coursePage to null but it doesn't work unless it's nested):
let temp = this.state.coursePages;
let canceledIndex = temp[index];
temp = temp.slice(0, index).concat(temp.slice(index+1));
temp = temp.slice(0, parseInt(canceledIndex.course_pageindex)-1).concat(canceledIndex).concat(temp.slice(parseInt(canceledIndex.course_pageindex)-1));
coursePages: temp
}, () => {this.setState({
coursePages: temp
This is another function on the same level as cancelCPIndexChanges that is able to modify the state of coursePages:
let temp = this.state.coursePages;
temp[index].editingCoursePage = true;
coursePages: temp
These functions are in course.js. Both these functions are passed down to CoursePages.js and then to CoursePage.js.