I'm in the process of invoking a documentum webservice for which I am starting with a simple code:
from suds.client import Client #@UnresolvedImport
from suds.transport.https import HttpAuthenticated
import urllib2
t=HttpAuthenticated(username='x', password='x')
t.handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(t.pm)
t.urlopener = urllib2.build_opener(t.handler)
url = 'http://hudt17:8888/services/core/ObjectService?wsdl'
client = Client(url,transport=t)
print client
It works fine if url='http://www.weather.gov/forecasts/xml/DWMLgen/wsdl/ndfdXML.wsdl'
. But I have this error thrown back to me if it's not:
What is going on here?
There is a patch for this issue:
Click on the Original Format link at the bottom of the page. You can then apply the patch using:
patch schema.py < recurselevel-schema.py.patch
Then install from the suds source top level dir using:
easy_install .
You are referencing an XSD schema which refers to itself.
Or which refers to another schema which refers to the first one.
In any case one or more schemas which have a circular dependence.
This is considered a blocking bug on the Suds issue tracker: https://fedorahosted.org/suds/ticket/239
Unfortunately, this issue has been open for more than 3 years, as of 2012.
I have run into the same issue consuming a huge wsdl with multiple includes and circular calls. The 0.6 version of suds-jurko does not support this, but the current developers cut v0.7 seems to solve this issue.
Download latest zip and extract: (Find the tip tag, or latest tag or branch)
$ sudo easy_install .
$ pip freeze
Should show: