This is a question on lambda overload sets and perfect forwarding and somewhat of a followup to a comment. For more context of how this is used see another related question.
I have some questions on the below code snippet.
Q1: For lambda overloads, I was using overload(Fs...) -> overload<Fs...>
from this post, but then in this answer I saw overload(Fs&&...) -> overload<std::decay_t<Fs>...>
. In what situations is this difference relevant?
Q2: Why would you want to define the identity
function below with return decltype(x)(x)
and not just return x
Q3: Can we consider foo(convert(std::forward<Args>(args))...)
as perfect forwarding (for all not-converted arguments) just like foo(std::forward<Args>(args)...)
#include <utility>
#include <iostream>
struct Foo {
virtual ~Foo() = default;
struct FooA: public Foo {
static void foo(const FooA&, int) { std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl; }
struct FooB: public Foo {
static void foo(int, const FooB&) { std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl; }
struct overload:Fs... {
using Fs::operator()...;
// Q1: In what situations is needed over `overload(Fs...) -> overload<Fs...>`?
overload(Fs&&...) -> overload<std::decay_t<Fs>...>;
// Q2: What is the purpose of `return decltype(x)(x)` over `return x`?
auto identity=[](auto&&x)->decltype(x){return decltype(x)(x);};
template<typename SpecificFoo, typename... Args>
void bar(Args&&... args) {
auto convert = overload{
[](const Foo& f){return dynamic_cast<const SpecificFoo&>(f);},
// Q3: Is our definition of `convert` "perfectly forwarding", like if we just called
// `foo(std::forward<Args>(args)...)`, or in what situations might this not do the
// same thing (for not-converted types)?
int main() {
FooA specific_foo;
const Foo& foo {specific_foo};
// assume we only have access to foo when calling bar
bar<FooA>(foo, 23);
FooB specific_foo;
const Foo& foo {specific_foo};
// assume we only have access to foo when calling bar
bar<FooB>(42, foo);
run it