I have an RPC thread that is calling back to me from that thread. I need to somehow inform Qt that it needs to make a function call from the main thread. In straight Windows I could do this by using a custom message and then posting that message to the message queue, e.g., I could create a WM_CALLFUNCTION
message and pass the function pointer through wParam
and the parameter (class pointer) through lParam
Has anyone an idea how I could do this with Qt? I've come across QCustomEvent
but I have no idea how to use it or how to process it. Any help would be hugely appreciated!
In the end I went with QMetaObject::invokeMethod which works perfectly.
In Qt 3, the usual way to communicate
with the GUI thread from a non-GUI
thread was by posting a custom event
to a QObject in the GUI thread. In Qt
4, this still works and can be
generalized to the case where one
thread needs to communicate with any
other thread that has an event loop.
To ease programming, Qt 4 also allows
you to establish signal--slot
connections across threads. Behind the
scenes, these connections are
implemented using an event. If the
signal has any parameters, these are
also stored in the event. Like
previously, if the sender and receiver
live in the same thread, Qt makes a
direct function call.
Using custom events generally involves creating your own QEvent subclass, overriding customEvent() in the QObject class that will receive the event (often the main window class) and some code that "posts" the event from your thread to the receiver.
I like to implement the event posting code as a method of the receiver class. That way, the caller only has to know about the recevier object and not any of the "Qt" specifics. The caller will invoke this method which will then essentially post a message to itself. Hopefully the code below will make it clearer.
// MainWindow.h
// Define your custom event identifier
const QEvent::Type MY_CUSTOM_EVENT = static_cast<QEvent::Type>(QEvent::User + 1);
// Define your custom event subclass
class MyCustomEvent : public QEvent
MyCustomEvent(const int customData1, const int customData2):
int getCustomData1() const
return m_customData1;
int getCustomData2() const
return m_customData2;
int m_customData1;
int m_customData2;
void postMyCustomEvent(const int customData1, const int customData2);
void customEvent(QEvent *event); // This overrides QObject::customEvent()
void handleMyCustomEvent(const MyCustomEvent *event);
The customData1
and customData2
are there to demonstrate how you might pass some data along in your event. They don't have to be int
// MainWindow.cpp
void MainWindow::postMyCustomEvent(const int customData1, const int customData2)
// This method (postMyCustomEvent) can be called from any thread
QApplication::postEvent(this, new MyCustomEvent(customData1, customData2));
void MainWindow::customEvent(QEvent * event)
// When we get here, we've crossed the thread boundary and are now
// executing in the Qt object's thread
if(event->type() == MY_CUSTOM_EVENT)
handleMyCustomEvent(static_cast<MyCustomEvent *>(event));
// use more else ifs to handle other custom events
void MainWindow::handleMyCustomEvent(const MyCustomEvent *event)
// Now you can safely do something with your Qt objects.
// Access your custom data using event->getCustomData1() etc.
I hope I didn't leave anything out. With this in place, code in some other thread just needs to get a pointer to a MainWindow
object (let's call it mainWindow
) and call
where, just for our example, 1
and 2
can be any integer data.