Using self.xxxx as default parameter - Python

2019-01-09 05:39发布


Hey y'all, I'm trying to simplify one of my homework problems and make the code a little better. What I'm working with is a binary search tree. Right now I have a function in my Tree() class that finds all the elements and puts them into a list.

tree = Tree()
#insert a bunch of items into tree

then I use my makeList() function to take all the nodes from the tree and puts them in a list. To call the makeList() function, I do tree.makeList(tree.root). To me this seems a little repetitive. I'm already calling the tree object with the tree.root is just a waste of a little typing.

Right now the makeList function is:

    def makeList(self, aNode):
        if aNode is None:
            return []
        return [] + self.makeList(aNode.lChild) + self.makeList(aNode.rChild)

I would like to make the aNode input a default parameter such as aNode = self.root (which does not work) that way I could run the function with this, tree.makeList().

First question is, why doesn't that work?
Second question is, is there a way that it can work? As you can see the makeList() function is recursive so I cannot define anything at the beginning of the function or I get an infinite loop.

EDIT Here is all the code as requested:

class Node(object):
    def __init__(self, data): = data
        self.lChild = None
        self.rChild = None

class Tree(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.root = None

    def __str__(self):
        current = self.root

    def isEmpty(self):
        if self.root == None:
            return True
            return False

    def insert (self, item):
        newNode = Node (item)
        current = self.root
        parent = self.root

        if self.root == None:
            self.root = newNode
            while current != None:
                parent = current
                if item <
                    current = current.lChild
                    current = current.rChild

            if item <
                parent.lChild = newNode
                parent.rChild = newNode

    def inOrder(self, aNode):
        if aNode != None:

    def makeList(self, aNode):
        if aNode is None:
            return []
        return [] + self.makeList(aNode.lChild) + self.makeList(aNode.rChild)

    def isSimilar(self, n, m):
        nList = self.makeList(n.root)
        mList = self.makeList(m.root) 
        print mList == nList 


larsmans answered your first question

For your second question, can you simply look before you leap to avoid recursion?

def makeList(self, aNode=None):
    if aNode is None:
        aNode = self.root
    treeaslist = []
    if aNode.lChild:
    if aNode.rChild:
    return treeaslist


It doesn't work because default arguments are evaluated at function definition time, not at call time:

def f(lst = []):
    return lst

print(f()) # prints [1]
print(f()) # prints [1, 1]

The common strategy is to use a None default parameter. If None is a valid value, use a singleton sentinel:

NOTHING = object()

def f(arg = NOTHING):
    if arg is NOTHING:
        # no argument
    # etc.