How do you get rajawali to work (tutorial 1 on git

2019-05-03 09:21发布


I am quite new to android development, I know the basics activities, maps, sqlite, etc. I would like to be able to implement some 3D objects to be able to interact with within my apps. After a bit of searching I found that rajawali seems to be the best method. As you do I started with the first tutorial and reading the source code from the example docs. Where I have become lost is I have followed the tutorial word for word and and I cant run the application due to errors in the script. If anybody has used Rajawali before I would appreiate some pointers as to where I have gone wrong. (the tutorial was last updated 2 month ago so its quite recent). Tutorial

Here is my source code


package rajawali.tutorials;

import rajawali.RajawaliActivity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.Menu;

public class MainActivity extends RajawaliActivity {
    private Renderer mRenderer;
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        mRenderer = new Renderer(this);


package rajawali.tutorials;

import javax.microedition.khronos.opengles.GL10;

import android.content.Context;
import rajawali.lights.DirectionalLight;
import rajawali.materials.textures.ATexture.TextureException;
import rajawali.materials.textures.Texture;
import rajawali.primitives.Sphere;
import rajawali.renderer.RajawaliRenderer;

public class Renderer extends RajawaliRenderer {

    private DirectionalLight mLight;
    Sphere mSphere;

    public Renderer(Context context) {
    public void initScene() {
        mLight = new DirectionalLight(1f, 0.2f, -1.0f);
        mLight.setColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

        try {
            *DiffuseMaterial* material = new *DiffuseMaterial*(); //there is an error here (DiffuseMaterial cannot be rsolved as a type)
            material.addTexture(new *Texture(R.drawable.earthtruecolor_nasa_big)*);  //here (constructor Texture(int) cannot be defined)
            mSphere = new Sphere(1, 24, 24);
            mSphere.*addLight(mLight)*;  //and here (The method addLight(DirectionalLight) is undefined for the type Sphere)
        } catch (TextureException e) {

    public void onDrawFrame(GL10 glUnused) {
        mSphere.setRotY(mSphere.getRotY() + 1);


I don't realy want to be spoon feed code if I can help it but it appears that the error is in the 'DiffuseMaterial'. Why is this or is there a better way of manipulating 3D objects other than using min3D or Rajawali?


I also have been trying to run this rajawali tutorial using next code.

Class RajawaliTutorialActivity

package rajawali.tutorials;

import rajawali.RajawaliActivity;
import android.os.Bundle;

public class RajawaliTutorialActivity extends RajawaliActivity {

    public RajawaliTutorialRenderer mRenderer; 

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        mRenderer = new RajawaliTutorialRenderer(this);

Class RajawaliTutorialRenderer

package rajawali.tutorials;

import javax.microedition.khronos.opengles.GL10;

import android.content.Context;

import rajawali.Camera;
import rajawali.Object3D;
import rajawali.lights.DirectionalLight;
import rajawali.materials.Material;
import rajawali.materials.textures.ATexture.TextureException;
import rajawali.materials.textures.Texture;
import rajawali.primitives.Sphere;
import rajawali.renderer.RajawaliRenderer;

public class RajawaliTutorialRenderer extends RajawaliRenderer {

    public DirectionalLight light;
    public Object3D sphere;
    public Context context;
    public Camera camera;

    public RajawaliTutorialRenderer(Context context) {
        this.context = context;

    public void initScene() {
        light = new DirectionalLight(1f, 0.2f, -1.0f); // set the direction
        light.setColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

            Material material = new Material();
            material.addTexture(new Texture("earthColors", R.drawable.earthtruecolor_nasa_big));
            sphere = new Sphere(1, 24, 24);
        } catch (TextureException e){


    public void onDrawFrame(GL10 glUnused) {
        sphere.setRotY(sphere.getRotY() + 1);

See that changes are:

  1. declare sphere object as Object3D instead Sphere.
  2. change DiffuseMaterial by Material for material declaration.
  3. change parameters to get Texture. First parameter is an custom identifier and second parameter is the resource id.
  4. add the line material.setColorInfluence(0); after load texture, if this line isn't added, the "heart" becomes red (I'm not sure why).
  5. replace sphere object by scene object (accessing with getCurrentScene method) to call addLight method.
  6. Add try/catch for line material.addTexture() as this method now throws a TextureException
  7. add getCurrentCamera().setZ(4.2f); to the end of initScene


It looks like this has to do with the version of Rajawali.

On this page it says not to use the master branch:

Whether you choose to clone or download, you probably will want to use one of the release tags. The master branch of both the library and examples is used for development and should be considered unstable for production code. When we release a stable version, it will be tagged. If you are cloning, you can simply checkout a tag.

If you cloned Rajawali using git, you'll want to checkout from a tag. To list the tags:

$ git tag

At the time of writing, v0.9 is your only choice.

$ git checkout v0.9

Now you'll have DiffuseMaterial available. However, some of the other classes are still missing.


It looks like this tutorial neither applies to v0.9 nor the latest master branch. I made a working version of tutorial 1, which you can find linked here.


You can also use the RajawaliExamples application I wrote, which is composed of contributed examples, as a demonstration of using the master branch.

Also to clarify on Deans quote, the statement made there is dissuade people from freaking out when the API changed underneath them which was mostly relevant when jwoolston was making large changes to support scene graphs. The bulk of that work is done and if ever finished, the api is likely to change significantly from its current state as the other major items are already complete. Such items are pieces like animation, more parsing options, flexible rendering, etc.