I have the following function that is extracting me distinct values based on the properties of an object, here Client.
public List<DistinctValue> GetDistinctValues(string propertyName)
//how should I specify the keySelector ?
Func<string, object> keySelector = item => propertyName;
var list = new List<DistinctValue>();
var values = this.ObjectContext.Clients.Select(CreateSelectorExpression
int i = 0;
foreach (var value in values)
list.Add(new DistinctValue() { ID = i, Value = value });
return list;
private static Expression<Func<Client, string>> CreateSelectorExpression
(string propertyName)
var paramterExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Client));
return (Expression<Func<Client, string>>)Expression.Lambda(
Expression.PropertyOrField(paramterExpression, propertyName),
public class DistinctValue
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
I'm doing this because I do not know in before which property values I'll need to extract. It's working, just the result is not sorted.
Can you please help me correct the sorting to make the OrderBy work as expected?
The properties are strings and I don't need to chain the sorting. I don't need to specify the sorting order either.
Thanks a lot in advance, John.