In my Mojolicious perl code I handle a jobs created and watched from a remote client.
I keep the jobs in a array of hashes, which is a global variable.
It is then used in handlers of PUT '/job/create' and GET '/job/status'. When adding a new job with the PUT '/job/create' the array gets extended in the subroutine (it contains 4 elements in the code below), but when requesting the jobs' status via GET '/job/status' the list of jobs, the array does not contain the added elements (it counts 2 elements).
Thanks, Jan
Here is the code:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use threads;
use threads::shared;
use Mojolicious::Lite;
use Mojo::JSON;
my (%record, %job1, %job2, %job3, @jobs) : shared;
%job1 = ( id=>"id1");
%job2 = ( id=>"id2");
%job3 = ( id=>"id3");
push ( @jobs, \%job1 );
push ( @jobs, \%job2 );
app->config(hypnotoad => {listen => ['http://*:3000']});
put '/job/create' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $obj = Mojo::JSON->decode( $self->req->body );
my $id = $obj->{id};
%record = (id => $id);
push ( @jobs, \%record ); # test the global prefilled
push ( @jobs, \%job3 ); # test the global locally filled
$self->render(text => "Created job id $id. Jobs count: " .
$#jobs );
get '/job/status' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $out = "[";
for(my $i=0; $i<$#jobs+1; $i++) {
$out .= "{id:\"" . $jobs[$i]{id} . "\",";
$out .= "," if $i<$#jobs;
$out .= "]";
$self->render(text => "allJobsInfo($out). Num jobs: " . $#jobs);