I am trying to read a graph from Graphviz DOT file. I am interested in two properties for Vertex - its id and peripheries. A also want to load graph labels.
My code looks like this:
struct DotVertex {
std::string name;
int peripheries;
struct DotEdge {
std::string label;
typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::directedS,
DotVertex, DotEdge> graph_t;
graph_t graphviz;
boost::dynamic_properties dp;
dp.property("node_id", boost::get(&DotVertex::name, graphviz));
dp.property("peripheries", boost::get(&DotVertex::peripheries, graphviz));
dp.property("edge_id", boost::get(&DotEdge::label, graphviz));
bool status = boost::read_graphviz(dot, graphviz, dp);
My sample DOT file looks like this:
digraph G {
I [label="", style=invis, width=0]
I -> 0
0 [label="0", peripheries=2]
0 -> 0 [label="a"]
0 -> 1 [label="!a"]
1 [label="1"]
1 -> 0 [label="a"]
1 -> 1 [label="!a"]
When I run it, I get exception "Property not found: label". What am I doing wrong?
You didn't define the (dynamic) propertymap for "label".
Either use ignore_other_properties
or define it :)
In the sample below, using ignore_other_properties
prevents requiring rankdir
(graph property) and width
, style
(vertex properties):
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/graph/graphviz.hpp>
#include <libs/graph/src/read_graphviz_new.cpp>
#include <iostream>
struct DotVertex {
std::string name;
std::string label;
int peripheries;
struct DotEdge {
std::string label;
typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::directedS,
DotVertex, DotEdge> graph_t;
int main() {
graph_t graphviz;
boost::dynamic_properties dp(boost::ignore_other_properties);
dp.property("node_id", boost::get(&DotVertex::name, graphviz));
dp.property("label", boost::get(&DotVertex::label, graphviz));
dp.property("peripheries", boost::get(&DotVertex::peripheries, graphviz));
dp.property("label", boost::get(&DotEdge::label, graphviz));
bool status = boost::read_graphviz(std::cin, graphviz, dp);
return status? 0 : 255;
Which runs successfully
See here for more explanations about using dynamic_properties
: read_graphviz() in Boost::Graph, pass to constructor