I am using php 5.4 with this backwards compatibility script: https://github.com/ircmaxell/password_compat/blob/master/lib/password.php
that shouldn't matter though, because I can get the hashing and verification process working in my registration function:
$hash = password_hash($pass, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
echo $pass;
echo $hash;
if( password_verify($pass,$hash) )
echo 'success';
else echo 'failure';
//success is always shown
$pass = 'password';
but whenever I try to store the hash in a MySQL database and then retrieve it for the verify function, it always fails. Here is my login function:
function user_login( $mysqli, $email, $pass ){
$err_msg = 'login: '.$mysqli->error.' | '.$email;
if( $stmt = $mysqli->prepare('SELECT password FROM users WHERE email=?') ) :
if( !$stmt->bind_param('s', $email) ) log_sql_error( $err_msg );
if( !$stmt->execute() ) log_sql_error( $err_msg );
if( !$stmt->bind_result( $hash ) ) log_sql_error( $err_msg );
if( $stmt->fetch() === FALSE ) log_sql_error( $err_msg );
if( !$stmt->close() ) log_sql_error( $err_msg );
//I can see that these values are identical to the ones
//echoed out in the registration function
echo $pass;
echo $hash;
if( password_verify($pass,$hash) )
echo 'success';
else echo 'failure';
else : log_sql_error( $err_msg );
//failure is always shown
$pass = 'password';
My 'password' column has this datatype: VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL
No php errors show up so the only thing I can think of is that the hash value is not formatted in the same way when it comes out of the database as when it went in, but when I echo out the values, they appear to be identical.
How else can I debug this / what is wrong with my code?
This definitely has something to do with encoding:
$hardcode_hash = '$2y$10$JK1jumvvSIm/gP3fWE3k9O98MzvHKDRYCjRPBniYg9riACyQw7WYS';
echo $hash;
echo '<br/>';
echo $hardcode_hash;
echo '<br/>';
if( $hash == $hardcode_hash )
echo 'success';
else echo 'failure';
how do I reformat the SQL value to match the output of password_hash? Here's what I've tried:
if I do:
$hash = settype($hash,"string");
if($hash == $hardcode_hash)
returns true, but password_verify($pass, $hash)
still returns false