I'm trying to make an "Insert link" button to a Rich Text Editor in Javascript. Basically, what it'll do is adding the following code to its content:
<a href="linkGoesHere" onClick="someJSFunction();"> textGoesHere </a>
The catch is, someJSFunction()
must fire when the user clicks on the button inside the editor itself. I wrote a Javascript function which adds that code when the Insert Link button is clicked on, like this:
editor.setContent(previousContent + theHtmlCode);
However, when I click on the link someJSFunction()
doesn't fire, and instead I get a "Function is not defined" error. I tried to define someJSFunction()
in the global scope, but it still won't see it. The weird thing is, even if I do something ugly like adding
<script type="text/javascript"> *(I define someJSFunction() here)* </script> <a href="linkGoesHere" onClick="someJSFunction();"> textGoesHere </a>
to the editor's content it'll still throw the same error. I've seen a few people in SO with the same problem, but they somehow managed to solve it by defining their functions in the global scope.
Notice that I can't edit the HTML code directly, which is why I have to resort to using a piece of Javscript which will insert a piece of HTML which in turn will call another piece of Javascript.
And before you ask, no, I won't use JQuery.