I 'm not able to get the Yandex default Marker's current Latlong values in Android. What I'm really interested is to capture the current latlong values from the android mobile and yandex map marker's position is exactly what I need. Has anyone used yandex maps to get the current user location? Can you please help.
Update 1
While researching on this latlong issue with Google and Yandex, I came across a link for "GPS Fix" app from http://gpsfix.android.informer.com/. After installing this App on the Android device and performing "Start Fixing", the latlong values now provided by Yandex SDK in my custom App is now closer to that of marker's. But still some points show over the buildings beside road (I can adjust that for now). I believe "GPS fix" app does somekind of flushing the GPS cache??? not sure if there is such a thing. I 'm still waiting for a clean solution that works without support from other app.
Thanks, Hemant