I need to add columns of predicted hazard ratio in the dataframe after running Cox PH regression in R. The dataframe is a panel data where numgvkey if firm identifier and age is time identifier. You can download a small section of the date from this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8usDJAPeV85VFRWd01pb0h1MDA/view?usp=sharing
I have don the following:
sme <- read.dta13("sme.dta")
reg<-coxph(Surv(age,EVENT2)~L1FETA+frailty(numgvkey), ties=c("efron"), data=sme)
hr <- predict(reg, type="risk")
How can I add a 5th column of "Hazard Ratio"(hr) in my 'sme' dataframe? Also, is there any way to predict the EVENT2 probability rather than 'hr'?