Given a stock of integers 0-9, what is the last nu

2019-05-01 15:47发布


As the title says, given a stock of integers 0-9, what is the last number I can write before I run out of some integer?

So if I'm given a stock of, say 10 for every number from 0 to 9, what is the last number I can write before I run out of some number. For example, with a stock of 2 I can write numbers 1 ... 10:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

at this point my stock for ones is 0, and I cannot write 11. Also note that if I was given a stock of 3, I could still write only numbers 1 ... 10, because 11 would cost me 2 ones, which would leave my stock for ones at -1.

What I have come up so far:

public class Numbers {

public static int numbers(int stock) {
    int[] t = new int[10];
    for (int k = 1; ; k++) {

        int x = k;
        while (x > 0) {

            if (t[x % 10] == stock) return k-1;
            t[x % 10]++;
            x /= 10;



public static void main(String[] args) {



With this I can get the correct answer for fairly big stock sizes. With a stock size of 10^6 the code completes in ~2 seconds, and with a stock of 10^7 numbers it takes a whole 27 seconds. This is not good enough, since I'm looking for a solution that can handle stock sizes of as big as 10^16, so I probably need a O(log(n)) solution.

This is a homework like assignment, so I didn't come here without wrestling with this pickle for quite some time. I have failed to come up with anything similiar by googling, and wolfram alpha doesn't recognize any kind of pattern this gives.

What I have concluded so far is that ones will allways run out first. I have no proof, but it is so.

Can anyone come up with any piece of advice? Thanks a lot.


I have come up with and implemented an efficient way of finding the cost of numbers 1...n thanks to btilly's pointers (see his post and comments below. also marked as a solution). I will elaborate this further after I have implemented the binary search for finding the last number you can write with the given stock later today.

EDIT 2: The Solution

I had completely forgotten about this post, so my apologies for not editing in my solution earlier. I won't copy the actual implementation, though.

My code for finding the cost of a number does the following:

First, let us choose a number, e.g. 9999. Now we will get the cost by summing the cost of each tens of digits like so:

9 9 9 9
^ ^ ^ ^
^ ^ ^ roof(9999 / 10^1) * 10^0 = 1000
^ ^ roof(9999 / 10^2) * 10^1 = 1000
^ roof(9999 / 10^3) * 10^2 = 1000
roof(9999 / 10^4) * 10^3 = 1000

Thus the cost for 9999 is 4000.

the same for 256:

2 5 6
^ ^ ^
^ ^ roof(256 / 10^1) * 10^0 = 26
^ roof(256 / 10^2) * 10^1 = 30
roof(256 / 10^3) * 10^2 = 100

Thus the cost for 256 is 156.

Implementing with this idea would make the program work only with numbers that have no digits 1 or 0, which is why further logic is needed. Let's call the method explained above C(n, d), where n is the number for which we are getting the cost for, and d is the d'th digit from n that we are currently working with. Let's also define a method D(n, d) that will return the d'th digit from n. Then we will apply the following logic:

sum = C(n, d)

if D(n, d) is 1:
    for each k < d, k >= 0 :
        sum -= ( 9 - D(n, k) ) * 10^(k-1);

else if D(n, d) is 0:
    sum -= 10^(d-1)

With this the program will calculate the correct cost for a number efficiently. After this we simply apply a binary search for finding the number with the correct cost.


Step 1. Write an efficient function to calculate how much stock needs to be used to write all of the numbers up to N. (Hint: calculate everything that was used to write out the numbers in the last digit with a formula, and then use recursion to calculate everything that was used in the other digits.)

Step 2. Do a binary search to find the last number you can write with your amount of stock.


We can calculate the answer directly. A recursive formula can determine how much stock is needed to get from 1 to numbers that are powers of ten minus 1:

f(n, power, target){
  if (power == target)
    return 10 * n + power;
    return f(10 * n + power, power * 10, target);

f(0,1,1) = 1 // a stock of 1 is needed for the numbers from 1 to 9
f(0,1,10) = 20 // a stock of 20 is needed for the numbers from 1 to 99
f(0,1,100) = 300 // a stock of 300 is needed for the numbers from 1 to 999
f(0,1,1000) = 4000 // a stock of 4000 is needed for the numbers from 1 to 9999

Where it gets complicated is accounting for the extra 1's needed when our calculation lands after the first multiple of any of the above coefficients; for example, on the second multiple of 10 (11-19) we need an extra 1 for each number.

JavaScript code:

function f(stock){
  var cs = [0];
  var p = 1;
  function makeCoefficients(n,i){
    n  = 10*n + p;
    if (n > stock){
    } else {
      p *= 10;

  var result = -1;
  var numSndMul = 0;
  var c;

  while (stock > 0){
    if (cs.length == 0){
      return result;
    c = cs.pop();
    var mul = c + p * numSndMul;

    if (stock >= mul){
      stock -= mul;
      result += p;
      if (stock == 0){
        return result;

    var sndMul = c + p * numSndMul;

    if (stock >= sndMul){
      stock -= sndMul;
      result += p;
      if (stock == 0){
        return result;
      var numMul = Math.floor(stock / mul);
      stock -= numMul * mul;
      result += numMul * p;
    p = Math.floor(p/10);
  return result;



