So I have two controllers, hotels
and videos
. I want the
to be able to access functions created in
but I get a "is not defined" error.
I'm new to CoffeeScript so any clues would be appreciated.
So I have two controllers, hotels
and videos
. I want the
to be able to access functions created in
but I get a "is not defined" error.
I'm new to CoffeeScript so any clues would be appreciated.
CoffeeScript will compile your coffee to JS wrapped in a self-executing function with the scope of the window (function{}).call(this);
So in you can write something like:
@getVideo: (id) ->
and the getVideo function will be bound to the window object.
CoffeScript runs inside an anonymous function, so declared funcitons in the same file, aren't exported as global functions.
Try something like this to declare global functions:
window.myFunction = ->
//some code
During compilation, CoffeeScript wraps your code in an anonymous function and applies it. You have to export your public interface in the expected manner for your environment.
(exports || window).publicMethod = (foo, bar) -> foo + bar
You then require using require()
in node.js and by referencing the window
object in the browser.
There are other ways to do this in the browser. Look into RequireJS.
Indeed you can use either the top-level window variable, or the exports object provide through CommonJS. Please note, you can also give access to complete controllers instead of just functions.
See the sections 'Lexical Scoping and Variable Safety' and '"text/coffeescript" Script Tags' at