I have already installed IBM DB2 Database Express on Windows 7 Pro.
Now, I would like to create my C# code in order to select/insert/update records in DB2 tables.
I spend the whole day searching over the internet for links on how to install either OLEDB or ODBC Driver in order to connect to DB2 database. But without success!!!
So, i'm wondering if somebody can help me or send me a useful link to download driver.
Thank you
In the webpage: http://www-933.ibm.com/support/fixcentral/legacy/
With parameters "Information Management" - "IBM Data Server Client Packages" - Custom version and platform
Then write *odbc_cli* in Id Fix
Download the latest fix pack (in my case "IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI (Windows/x86-64 64 bit) V10.5 Fix Pack 7")
Copy zip into C:\Program Files\IBM (if not exist, you must create the folder)
Extract it
In cmd:
Execute "cd C:\Program Files\IBM\{uncompressed driver folder}\bin" (by default "clidriver")
Execute "db2cli install -setup" for install. If you need uninstall, exec "db2cli install -cleanup"
If you need install it for pointing to 32 bit IBM DB2 ODBC driver for your 32 bit application in a 64-bit environment, read this documentation: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=71&uid=swg21384435
Note: in version 9.5.* the command changes:
Install: db2oreg1.exe -i
Uninstall: db2oreg1.exe -u
In my opinion, I recommend download IBM Client i Access with custom installation, selecting only "ODBC" and "OLE DB Provider"
You can download it by ibm public ftp: public.dhe.ibm.com (port 21)
in the folder "/as400/products/clientaccess/win32/v7r1m0/servicepack"
For DB2 9.7 check here :
IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI (64-bit)
IBM Data Server Runtime Client
The below link has a detailed walk thru
There is also a microsoft version of the db2 driver (part of host integration server).
In every sql server feature pack you will find a DB2OLEDBV[version]_[architecture].msi
eg. sql2016sp1 has v6 (ENU\DB2OLEDBV6_x64.msi and ENU\DB2OLEDBV6_x86.msi)
sql2016 rtm has v5
sql2012sp2 has v4
- https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/sjackson/2014/06/27/db2-provider-version-information/
- http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=241539
- https://www.google.de/search?q=microsoft+sql+feature+pack
a nice overview is available at https://akawn.com/utilities/feature-packs/