I am showing a sheet within my main window. I present the sheet using this code:
AddContactWindowController *addContact = [[AddContactWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:@"AddContactWindow"];
addContact.currentViewController = myView;
self.addWindowController = addContact;
[self.view.window beginSheet: addContact.window completionHandler:^(NSModalResponse returnCode) {
NSLog(@"completionHandler called");
AddContactWindowController is a NSWindowController subclass. It has a view controller within it. Inside the view is a "close" button which invokes this:
[[[self view] window] close];
This does close the window, but the completionHandler from beginSheet is not invoked. This causes me problems down the road.
Is there any particular way we should close the NSWindow sheet for the completion handler to be successfully called? I've also tried [[[self view] window] orderOut:self]
but that doesn't work either.