I'm sorry to bother you I know this question have been asked quite a lot but never with Ada... I was wondering if there were in the Ada standard library a way to generate a list of unique random numbers (you never pick twice the same number) in O(n) In a way is there an implementation of the Knuth-Fisher-Yates algorithm in Ada?
There's a discussion of implementing the Fisher–Yates
shuffle here. Basically, you need a different range of Discrete_Random
in each iteration, as shown here; Float_Random
is an alternative, as mentioned in A.5.2(50), Note 16. If bias isn't critical, this example may be sufficient.
In any case, shuffling is O(n), but selecting can be O(1).
Addendum: The complexity of creating the set depends on the implementation. For example, Containers.Hashed_Sets, A.18.8(88/2) and Containers.Ordered_Sets, A.18.9(116/2).
Given that you want: a) Random numbers from 0 to 1000 and b) the numbers are not to repeat according to the link you provided, you could do this rather easily.
Just fill an array with the range of values and perform some number of swaps on randomly chosen elements thereof; this guarantees both requirements are upheld.
I took the liberty of coding it up. You'll need to With Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random.
Low, High : Integer;
Package Initialization is
SubType Element is Integer Range Low..High;
Function Incrementor Return Element;
Type Element_Array is Array(Element) of Element;
Values : Element_Array;
Procedure Print;
End Initialization;
Package Body Initialization is
Count : Element := Element'Last;
Function Incrementor Return Element is
Return Result : Element:= Count do
Count:= Element'Pred( Result );
When Constraint_Error => Count:= Element'Last;
End Return;
end Incrementor;
Procedure Swap( Index_1, Index_2 : In Integer ) is
Temp : Constant Element:= Values( Integer(Index_1) );
Values( Integer(Index_1) ):= Values( Integer(Index_2) );
Values( Integer(Index_2) ):= Temp;
end Swap;
Procedure Print is
Put_Line( "Length: " & Values'Length'Img );
Put( "(" );
For Index in Values'First..Integer'Pred(Values'Last) loop
Put( Values(Index)'Img & ',' );
end loop;
Put( Values(Values'Last)'Img );
Put_Line( ")" );
end Print;
Package Random_Element is New
Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random( Element );
Number : Random_Element.Generator;
Use Random_Element;
Values:= Element_Array'( Others => Incrementor );
Reset( Number );
For Index in Element'Range loop
Swap( Integer(Index), Integer(Random(Number)) );
end loop;
End Shuffle;
End Initialization;
And you can test it out with something like:
Package Q is new
Initialization( Low => 0, High => 1000 );
End Test;