I have a base controller with some functionality, that base controller is not accessible from the outside, no route matches it.
Then, I extend that controller with other controllers to add extra functionality and with routes, I have 3 controllers extending that base controller just to define 3 methods on each one of them.
I want to test the base controller, but I can't do
post :index
because there are no routes for that action (No route matches error)
I don't want to add those test to one of those 3 controllers because they change a lot (the controller is used during a campaign of... 3 weeks and then deleted).
Some code...:
The base controller, CampaignController
class CampaignController < ApplicationController
def index
#some code...
def campaign_name
raise('campaign_name missing')
def campaign_url
raise('campaign_url missing')
#more actions....
One of the accesible controllers, SchoolCampaignController
class SchoolCampaignController < CampaignController
def campaign_name
def campaign_url
those controllers are basically that but sometimes I need to override one of the base actions
So, what am I doing wrong? how can I properly test CampaignController?
EDIT: I don't want to test those two methods that raise an error, I want to test index for example, or some of the other actions (not shown)
I've tried with "response = controller.index" but it doesn't call the before filters and the response is not an http response, it's just the output of that command (I can't do expectations like... response.should render_template(xxxx) with that)
EDIT 2: To bypass the routing error I've created the routes inside the test in a before(:all) block, then the routing is not a problem, but now, I get errors about non existing views (each accesible controller implements all views, but the abstract one have non)