Twitter Bootstrap responsive menu/small devices: c

2019-05-01 04:36发布


I want to change the behaviour of the Twitter Bootstrap Menu on small devices to close the expanded menu by either clicking on a menu item or clicking the menu button. Currently (default) I can only collapse it by clicking the menu button in the top right corner, no matter if I'd clicked on a link/menu item or not. How would I do that? I coudln't figure it out from the TB documentation and searching the internet didn't provide any answers.


Thanks for the fix Skelly. It worked great on the "mobile" menu, but unfortunately it was causing a visual defect in "desktop" mode as it was targeting .nav-collapse, and this class is active in both modes. So, I made a slight modification:

$('.nav li a').on('click',function(){

This modification will only invoke the 'hide' functionality when the menu is in "mobile" mode.

Note: This is only tested on Bootstrap 3.


You can try something like..

$('.nav li a').on('click',function(){

This will work for menu links that are referencing '#'. The menu should already be collapsing if your menu links navigate to another page on the site as this would cause a full page refresh.


You can do that by using HTML, add data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".in" to anchor


<li><a href="#" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".in">Link</a></li>