This has been asked before at
Can I connect directly to a Redis server from JavaScript running in a browser?
(notice my comment)
Connecting directly to Redis with (client side) javascript?
but I wonder about something which would have perfect realtime connection. Reading the (a node-redis client) source I noticed the net
part of node`s library is likely containing the kind of functionality we'd need to reproduce in the browser to do this .
Guessing maybe something with hacked together from pieces of webrtc functions could do it ?
Prospective benefits relate to building large distributed app systems infrastructure -- like social media (from comment on first question linked above):
I'm asking this question again, but stipulating we want a 'real' as in realtime redis-client -- not HTTP anything -- operating in the browser. Could build a great realtime 'infrastructure' with just CDN serving assets constituting the client webapp communicating with Redis directly. I want to cut out the unnecessary WebSocket server aspect of the system. All the control logic can be internalised to redis cluster in Lua.