Is there a rake task for backing up the data in your database?
I already have my schema backed up, but I want to make a backup of the data. It's a small MySQL database.
Is there a rake task for backing up the data in your database?
I already have my schema backed up, but I want to make a backup of the data. It's a small MySQL database.
The below script is a simplified version taken from eycap, specifically from this file.
set :dbuser "user"
set :dbhost "host"
set :database "db"
namespace :db do
desc "Get the database password from user"
task :get_password do
set(:dbpass) do
Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask "Enter mysql password: "
task :backup_name, :only => { :primary => true } do
now =
run "mkdir -p #{shared_path}/db_backups"
backup_time = [now.year,now.month,,now.hour,now.min,now.sec].join('-')
set :backup_file, "#{shared_path}/db_backups/#{database}-snapshot-#{backup_time}.sql"
desc "Dump database to backup file"
task :dump, :roles => :db, :only => {:primary => true} do
run "mysqldump --add-drop-table -u #{dbuser} -h #{dbhost} -p#{dbpass} #{database} | bzip2 -c > #{backup_file}.bz2"
Edit: Yeah, I guess I missed the point that you were looking for a rake task and not a capistrano task, but I don't have a rake one on hand, sorry.
I don't have a rake task for backing up my MySQL db, but I did write a script in Ruby to do just that for my WordPress DB:
filename = 'wp-config.php'
def get_db_info(file)
username = nil
password = nil
db_name = nil
file.each { |line|
if line =~ /'DB_(USER|PASSWORD|NAME)', '([[:alnum:]]*)'/
if $1 == "USER"
username = $2
elsif $1 == "PASSWORD"
password = $2
elsif $1 == "NAME"
db_name = $2
if username.nil? || password.nil? || db_name.nil?
puts "[backup_db][bad] couldn't get all needed info"
return username, password, db_name
config_file = open("#{filename}")
rescue Errno::ENOENT
puts "[backup_db][bad] File '#{filename}' didn't exist"
puts "[backup_db][good] File '#{filename}' existed"
username, password, db_name = get_db_info(config_file)
sql_dump_info = `mysqldump --user=#{username} --password=#{password} #{dbname}`
puts sql_dump_info
You should be able to take this and do some mild pruning of it to put in your username/password/dbname to get it up and working for you. I put it in my crontab to run everyday as well, and it shouldn't be too much work to convert this to run as a rake task since it's already Ruby code (might be a good learning exercise as well).
Tell us how it goes!
There are a few solutions already on google. I am going to guess that you are using activerecord as your orm?
If you are running rails, then you can looks at the Rakefile that it uses for activerecord in \ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems\rails-2.0.2-\lib\tasks\database.rake. That gave me a lot of information on how to extend the generic Rakefile.
You could take the capistrano tasks that thelsdj provides, and add it to your rake file. Then modify it a bit so that it uses the activerecord connection to the database.
There's a plugin out there called "mysql tasks", just google for it. It's just a rakefile -- I've found it very easy to use.
Just in case people are still surfing for solutions, we currently use the ar_fixtures plugin to backup our db, well as part of the solution anyway.
It provides the rake db:fixtures:dump
tasks. This spits out everythin in YAML into test/fixtures, so it can be loaded in again using db:fixtures:load
We use this to backup before every feature push to production. We also used this when migrating from sqlite3 to Postgres - which is subtlety very useful as incompatibilities between SQL dialects are, for the most part, hidden.
All the best, D
Make sure to add the "--routines" parameter to mysqldump if you have any stored procs in your database so it backs them up too.
There is my rake task to backup mysql, and rotate backups cyclically.
#encoding: utf-8
#require 'fileutils'
namespace :mls do
desc 'Create of realty_dev database backup'
task :backup => :environment do
backup_max_records = 4
datestamp ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M")
backup_dir = File.join(Rails.root, ENV['DIR'] || 'backups', 'db')
backup_file_name = "#{datestamp}_#{Rails.env}_dump.sql"
backup_file_path = File.join(backup_dir, "#{backup_file_name}")
#database processing
db_config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[Rails.env]
system "mysqldump -u#{db_config['username']} -p#{db_config['password']} -i -c -q #{db_config['database']} > #{backup_file_path}"
raise 'Unable to make DB backup!' if ($?.to_i > 0)
# sql dump file compression
system "gzip -9 #{backup_file_path}"
# backup rotation
dir =
backup_all_records = dir.entries.sort[2..-1].reverse
puts "Created backup: #{backup_file_name}.gz"
#redundant records
backup_del_records = backup_all_records[backup_max_records..-1] || []
# backup deleting too old records
for backup_del_record in backup_del_records
FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(backup_dir, backup_del_record))
puts "Deleted #{backup_del_records.length} old backups, #{backup_all_records.length - backup_del_records.length} backups available"
puts "Backup passed"
run by this command: " rake db:backup RAILS_ENV="development" "