Is it possible to construct a dynamic query to for a linked server (and if so how)?
For example:
@linkedServer varchar(50)
@var1 varchar(10)
@var2 varchar(10)
select *
from openquery(@linkedServer,
'select c1,c2
from t1
where p1 = @var1
and p2= @var2')
exec ('select * from openquery(' + @linkedServer +
', ''select c1,c2 from t1 where p1 = '' + @var1 + ''and p2= '' + @var2 + ''')
make sure to read The Curse and Blessings of Dynamic SQL to protect against SQL injection
see EXEC() at Linked Server section of The Curse and Blessings of Dynamic SQL by Erland Sommarskog
from that article:
A special feature added in SQL 2005 is
that you can use EXEC() to run
pass-through queries on a linked
server. This could be another instance
of SQL Server, but it could also be an
Oracle server, an Access database,
Active directory or whatever. The SQL
could be a single query or a sequence
of statements, and could it be
composed dynamically or be entirely
static. The syntax is simple, as seen
by this example:
'.dbo.sysobjects') AT SQL2K
SQL2K is here a linked server that has
been defined with sp_addlinkedserver.