I am doing lots of statistical analysis on county basis in R for US. But I want to do some studies for India as well. I have found state map, but no district map in R. I can find such things in d3.js but I would rather not abandon R.
Is there a R package for India that is similar to 'maps'.
You can use data from GADM which contains shapefiles on different levels of administrative division so also district level which is level 2 I guess.
You can use the script below to directly load the data, code is taken from here.
So in your case you would run:
Just to check, plot the data:
Alternatively you can use GAUL data and load the shapefile using maptools
Code to get data.
# Load required libraries
# Load file from GADM
# Specify the countries for fileName using ISO3C
# like "AFG" for Afghanistan.
# "level" specifies adminsitrative level.
load(url(paste("http://gadm.org/data/rda/",fileName,"_adm",level,".RData",sep = "")))
# Add prefix (ISO3C code) to shapefile.
changeGADMPrefix<-function(GADM, prefix) {
GADM <- spChFIDs(GADM, paste(prefix, row.names(GADM), sep = "_"))
# Load file and change prefix
loadChangePrefix<-function (fileName, level = 0, ...) {
theFile <- loadGADM(fileName, level)
theFile <- changeGADMPrefix(theFile, fileName)
# Apply all the functions:
getCountries <- function (fileNames, level = 0, ...) {
polygon <- sapply(fileNames, loadChangePrefix, level)
polyMap <- do.call("rbind", polygon)