Answer: var option_user_selection = element.options[element.selectedIndex].text
I am trying to build a form that fills in a person's order.
<form name="food_select">
<select name="maincourse" onchange="firstStep(this)">
<option>- select -</option>
<option text="breakfast">breakfast</option>
<option text="lunch">lunch</option>
<option text="dinner">dinner</option>
What I'm trying to do is send in the select object, pull the name and the text/value from the option menu AND the data in the option tag.
function firstStep(element) {
//Grab information from input element object
/and place them in local variables
var select_name =;
var option_value = element.value;
I can get the name and the option value, but I can't seem to get the text="" or the value="" from the select object. I only need the text/value from the option menu the user selected. I know I can place them in an array, but that doesn't help
var option_user_selection = element.options[ whatever they select ].text
I also need to use the passed in select reference as that is how it's set up in the rest of my code.
Later on, that text/value is going to be used to pull the XML document that will populate the next select form dynamically.