Hi I'm doing Rails app and when I bundle install it returns an error:
Could not find coffee-script-source-1.1.3 in any of the sources
I know that coffee-script-source-1.1.3 gem is deprecated/yanked but my other gems are having dependencies with this.
But this project is working with other machine and in heroku production.
How can I successfully bundle install this without changing my gemfile?
Run this:
bundle update --source coffee-script-source
If you get an error, like this:
An error occurred while installing rmagick (2.13.1), and Bundler cannot continue.
Run this:
gem install rmagick
I hope it'll help you.
What it worked for me was to update the gem to 1.2.0.
As it shows here https://rubygems.org/gems/coffee-script-source/versions
1.1.3 says that it's yanked.
gem 'coffee-script-source', '~> 1.2.0'
And run
bundle update --source coffee-script-source