Sublime Text 2 - making javascript build with Node

2019-04-30 04:10发布


This question already has an answer here:

  • Node.js build system in Sublime Text 2 12 answers

I’m trying to make a Javascript build system in Sublime Text 2 using Node.js. The problem is I don’t know where Node.js is installed on my mac (I installed it with mac installer and am running Mountain Lion) or how to properly assign a path variable to find it.


If you haven't already, install Package Control in Sublime, then install the Nodejs plugin. This should get you a lot farther than trying to build everything from scratch.

Once Nodejs is installed, open Preferences -> Package Settings -> Nodejs -> Settings - Default and Settings - User. Copy the entire contents of Default to User so you can edit it, then close Default. (If you edit Default, any changes will be overwritten on upgrade.) Change "node_command" and "npm_command" from false to the full path returned by running which node and which npm from

For example, if which node returns /usr/local/bin/node, and which npm returns /usr/local/bin/npm, then your settings file should look like this:

    // save before running commands
    "save_first": true,
    // if present, use this command instead of plain "node"
    // e.g. "/usr/bin/node" or "C:\bin\node.exe"
    "node_command": "/usr/local/bin/node",
    // Same for NPM command
    "npm_command": "/usr/local/bin/npm",
    // as 'NODE_PATH' environment variable for node runtime
    "node_path": false,

    "expert_mode": false,

    "ouput_to_new_tab": false

Save the file, and you should now be able to successfully use the commands in Tools -> Nodejs.