I have a Pivot with several PivotItems, one of which contains a canvas that places its items in dynamic locations (depending on the data). I get the data, and I can place the items in their place before the user can choose this item (this isn't the first pivot). However, only when I select the PivotItem, the canvas renders itself, so you can see it flicker before it's shown as it should.
Is there a way to force the canvas to render before it's shown, so everything's prepared by the time the user sees it?
My code looks something like this:
In the page.xaml.cs:
private async void GameCenterView_OnDataContextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Load data...
// Handle other pivots
// This is the problem pivot
if (ViewModel.CurrentGame.SportTypeId == 1)
_hasLineups = ViewModel.CurrentGame.HasLineups.GetValueOrDefault();
HasFieldPositions = ViewModel.CurrentGame.HasFieldPositions.GetValueOrDefault();
// I only add the pivot when I need it, otherwise, it won't be shown
if (_hasLineups)
if (MainPivot.Items != null) MainPivot.Items.Add(LineupPivotItem);
if (HasFieldPositions)
// Here I place all the items in their proper place on the canvas
ArrangeLineup(ViewModel.TeamOneLineup, TeamOneCanvas);
ArrangeLineup(ViewModel.TeamTwoLineup, TeamTwoCanvas);
// Handle other pivots
private void ArrangeLineup(ObservableCollection<PlayerInLineupViewModel> teamLineup, RationalCanvas canvas)
if (teamLineup == null)
foreach (var player in teamLineup)
var control = new ContentControl
Content = player,
ContentTemplate = LinupPlayerInFieldDataTemplate
control.SetValue(RationalCanvas.RationalTopProperty, player.Player.FieldPositionLine);
control.SetValue(RationalCanvas.RationalLeftProperty, player.Player.FieldPositionSide);
The canvas isn't the stock canvas. I created a new canvas that displays items according to their relative position (I get the positions in a scale of 0-99).
The logic happens in the OverrideArrange method:
protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size finalSize)
if (finalSize.Height == 0 || finalSize.Width == 0)
return base.ArrangeOverride(finalSize);
var yRatio = finalSize.Height/100.0;
var xRatio = finalSize.Width/100.0;
foreach (var child in Children)
var top = (double) child.GetValue(TopProperty);
var left = (double) child.GetValue(LeftProperty);
if (top > 0 || left > 0)
var rationalTop = (int) child.GetValue(RationalTopProperty);
var rationalLeft = (int) child.GetValue(RationalLeftProperty);
if (InvertY)
rationalTop = 100 - rationalTop;
if (InvertX)
rationalLeft = 100 - rationalLeft;
child.SetValue(TopProperty, rationalTop*yRatio);
child.SetValue(LeftProperty, rationalLeft*xRatio);
return base.ArrangeOverride(finalSize);