I have trouble installing any .NET Framework on my Windows 7 x64 machine, I keep getting the following logfile, what might cause this?
OS Version = 6.1.7601, Platform 2, Service Pack 1
OS Description = Windows 7 - x64 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1
CommandLine = C:\09b8fe547577883fe82c\\Setup.exe /x86 /x64
TimeZone = Mitteleuropäische Zeit
Initial LCID = 1031
Using Simultaneous Download and Install mechanism
Operation: Installing
Package Name = Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup
Package Version = 4.0.30319
User Experience Data Collection Policy: AlwaysUploaded
Number of applicable items: 11
Exe (C:\09b8fe547577883fe82c\SetupUtility.exe) succeeded.
Exe Log File: dd_SetupUtility.txt
ServiceControl operation succeeded!
ServiceControl operation succeeded!
Exe (C:\09b8fe547577883fe82c\Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x64.msu) failed with 0x240006 - (null).
Exe (C:\09b8fe547577883fe82c\SetupUtility.exe) succeeded.
Exe Log File: dd_SetupUtility.txt
MSI (C:\09b8fe547577883fe82c\netfx_Core_x64.msi) Installation failed. Msi Log: Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup_20150116_161918591-MSI_netfx_Core_x64.msi.txt
Final Result: Installation failed with error code: (0x80070643), "Schwerwiegender Fehler bei der Installation. " (Elapsed time: 0 00:00:11).
I have pasted a LOGfile from the MSI file, can you please take a look?
The main problem seems to be the following information I found in the setup log (see line 2981 to 2999 in the log above):
MSI (s) (78!78) [16:11:30:749]: SECUREREPAIR: Failed to CreateContentHash of the file: 1033\SetupResources.dll: for computing its hash. Error: 997
MSI (s) (78!78) [16:11:30:750]: SECREPAIR: Failed to create hash for the install source files
MSI (s) (78!78) [16:11:30:750]: SECUREREPAIR: SecureRepair Failed. Error code: 3e5F7CE34B8
Aktion gestartet um 16:11:30: CA_NgenUpdateHighestVersion_I_RB_amd64.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8.
MSI (s) (78!78) [16:11:30:753]:
The only information I found concerning problems with Secrepair is KB2918614, which I completely uninstalled, rebooted, but the problem persists. Furthermore, I have reinstalled KB2918614, applied its Hotfix (KB3000988), and the problem still persits.
It happens with .NET Framework 4.0 and 4.5, no matter which of these I try to install.
I first noticed this problem when trying to apply the update for .NET 4.5.2, which failed, so I uninstalled .NET framework 4 and 4.5 completely, and am now unable to install any of these.
Do you have any ideas what might be causing this strange behaviour?