Python Packages Offline Installation

2019-01-01 12:00发布


What\'s the best way to download a python package and it\'s dependencies from pypi for offline installation on another machine? Is there any easy way to do this with pip or easy_install? I\'m trying to install the requests library on a FreeBSD box that is not connected to the internet.


If the package is on PYPI, download it and its dependencies to some local directory. E.g.

$ mkdir /pypi && cd /pypi
$ ls -la
  -rw-r--r--   1 pavel  staff   237954 Apr 19 11:31 Flask-WTF-0.6.tar.gz
  -rw-r--r--   1 pavel  staff   389741 Feb 22 17:10 Jinja2-2.6.tar.gz
  -rw-r--r--   1 pavel  staff    70305 Apr 11 00:28 MySQL-python-1.2.3.tar.gz
  -rw-r--r--   1 pavel  staff  2597214 Apr 10 18:26 SQLAlchemy-0.7.6.tar.gz
  -rw-r--r--   1 pavel  staff  1108056 Feb 22 17:10 Werkzeug-0.8.2.tar.gz
  -rw-r--r--   1 pavel  staff   488207 Apr 10 18:26 boto-2.3.0.tar.gz
  -rw-r--r--   1 pavel  staff   490192 Apr 16 12:00 flask-0.9-dev-2a6c80a.tar.gz

Some packages may have to be archived into similar looking tarballs by hand. I do it a lot when I want a more recent (less stable) version of something. Some packages aren\'t on PYPI, so same applies to them.

Suppose you have a properly formed Python application in ~/src/myapp. ~/src/myapp/ will have install_requires list that mentions one or more things that you have in your /pypi directory. Like so:

    # and so on

If you want to be able to run your app with all the necessary dependencies while still hacking on it, you\'ll do something like this:

$ cd ~/src/myapp
$ python develop --always-unzip --allow-hosts=None --find-links=/pypi

This way your app will be executed straight from your source directory. You can hack on things, and then rerun the app without rebuilding anything.

If you want to install your app and its dependencies into the current python environment, you\'ll do something like this:

$ cd ~/src/myapp
$ easy_install --always-unzip --allow-hosts=None --find-links=/pypi .

In both cases, the build will fail if one or more dependencies aren\'t present in /pypi directory. It won\'t attempt to promiscuously install missing things from Internet.

I highly recommend to invoke develop ... and easy_install ... within an active virtual environment to avoid contaminating your global Python environment. It is (virtualenv that is) pretty much the way to go. Never install anything into global Python environment.

If the machine that you\'ve built your app has same architecture as the machine on which you want to deploy it, you can simply tarball the entire virtual environment directory into which you easy_install-ed everything. Just before tarballing though, you must make the virtual environment directory relocatable (see --relocatable option). NOTE: the destination machine needs to have the same version of Python installed, and also any C-based dependencies your app may have must be preinstalled there too (e.g. say if you depend on PIL, then libpng, libjpeg, etc must be preinstalled).


Update 2018-10-10

pip has a relatively new command called download. The download command let\'s you get the package without the installation.

DEPRECATION: pip install --download has been deprecated and will be removed in the future. Pip now has a download command that should be used instead.

The command is like this:
pip download -r requirements.txt

For python3:
pip3 download -r requirements.txt

older versions of pip

I use the -d (or --download) option to pip install, which makes the process of downloading sdist tarballs from PyPI much simpler. For instance,

pip install --download /path/to/some/dir celery

will download the sdist tarballs for celery and all its dependencies to /path/to/some/dir (but will not install them). Then you can use pip install --no-index --find-links /path/to/some/dir/ celery to install celery using those downloaded sdists, without accessing the network.

The same process works if you replace celery in both commands with -r requirements.txt, where requirements.txt is a pip requirements file listing all the packages you want (and optionally the versions you want).


offline python. for doing this I use virtualenv (isolated Python environment)

1) install virtualenv online with pip:

pip install virtualenv --user

or offline with whl: go to this link , download last version (.whl or tar.gz) and install that with this command:

pip install virtualenv-15.1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl --user

by using --user you don\'t need to use sudo pip….

2) use virtualenv

on online machine select a directory with terminal cd and run this code:

python -m virtualenv myenv
cd myenv
source bin/activate
pip install Flask

after installing all the packages, you have to generate a requirements.txt so while your virtualenv is active, write

pip freeze > requirements.txt

open a new terminal and create another env like myenv2.

python -m virtualenv myenv2
cd myenv2
source bin/activate
cd -

now you can go to your offline folder where your requirements.txt and tranferred_packages folder are in there. download the packages with following code and put all of them to tranferred_packages folder.

pip download -r requirements.txt

take your offline folder to offline computer and then

python -m virtualenv myenv2
cd myenv2
source bin/activate
cd -
cd offline
pip install --no-index --find-links=\"./tranferred_packages\" -r requirements.txt

what is in the folder offline [requirements.txt , tranferred_packages {Flask-0.10.1.tar.gz, ...}]

check list of your package

pip list

note: as we are in 2017 it is better to use python 3. you can create python 3 virtualenv with this command.

virtualenv -p python3 envname


Download the tarball, transfer it to your FreeBSD machine and extract it, afterwards run python install and you\'re done!

EDIT: Just to add on that, you can also install the tarballs with pip now.


Using wheel compiled packages.

bundle up:

$ tempdir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/wheelhouse-XXXXX)
$ pip wheel -r requirements.txt --wheel-dir=$tempdir
$ cwd=`pwd`
$ (cd \"$tempdir\"; tar -cjvf \"$cwd/bundled.tar.bz2\" *)

copy tarball and install:

$ tempdir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/wheelhouse-XXXXX)
$ (cd $tempdir; tar -xvf /path/to/bundled.tar.bz2)
$ pip install --force-reinstall --ignore-installed --upgrade --no-index --no-deps $tempdir/*

Note wheel binary packages are not across machines.

More ref. here:


If you want install python libs and their dependencies offline, finish following steps in a machine with same os, network connected, python installed:

1) Create an requirements.txt file with the content like:


2) Execute command mkdir wheelhouse && pip download -r requirements.txt -d wheelhouse to download libs and their dependencies to direcotry wheelhouse

3) Copy requirements.txt into wheelhouse directory

4) Archive wheelhouse into wheelhouse.tar.gz with tar -zcf wheelhouse.tar.gz wheelhouse

Then upload wheelhouse.tar.gz to your target machine:

1) Execute tar -zxf wheelhouse.tar.gz to extract the files

2) Execute pip install -r wheelhouse/requirements.txt --no-index --find-links wheelhouse to install the libs and their dependencies


For Pip 8.1.2 you can use pip download -r requ.txt to download packages to your local machine.