Full Keyboard Access mode is enabled or disabled in the Keyboard preference pane - it's referenced here:
Efficiently subclassing standard Cocoa controls
and here:
Disable Full Keyboard Access for App
but nowhere on the web have I found out how to determine, within my app, if Full Keyboard Access is enabled. I'm writing a custom radio control and want to allow tabbing into it iff Full Keyboard Access is on.
In Mac OS X 10.6 or higher: -[NSApp isFullKeyboardAccessEnabled].
As best I know this is undocumented. It is stored in AppleKeyboardUIMode
in NSGlobalDomain
defaults read -g AppleKeyboardUIMode
It's a bitfield, but I've never seen docs for it. "Full Keyboard Access" seems to toggle bit 1 (value=2).
The short is you should be able to fetch this from NSUserDefaults
and bitmask it to find your answer, but it could change.