I have an uploadify script in an iFrame which is on another domain. I am attempting to send the file upload data
to the page on which the iFrame is embedded on.
I have the following code in a iFrame (uploadify script):
'onUploadSuccess' : function(file, data, response) {
data //data is what must be passed from the iFrame to the script on another site
is what must be passed to the following script on another domain:
var myframe, nestedFrame;
myFrame = $('#editorf').contents().find('body');
nestedFrame = myFrame.find('#re_contentIframe').contents().find('body');
nestedFrame.append('data'); //data should be replaced with the information from the iFrame
I did attempt the following code:
iFrame Code - Page B
'onUploadSuccess' : function(file, data, response) {
window.postMessage('http://iframe-domain.net/uploads/' + data,'http://iframe-domain.net');
Receiving Page Code - Page A
$(function() {
window.addEventListener('message', receiver, false);
function receiver(e){
if (e.origin == 'http://iframe-domain.net'){
var myframe, nestedFrame;
myFrame = $('#editorf').contents().find('body');
nestedFrame = myFrame.find('#re_contentIframe').contents().find('body');
This doesn't work. I do receive this error message:
Error: Permission denied to access property 'toString'
...a);if(Z){var Y=0;(function(){if(typeof Z.GetVariable!=D){var ab=Z.GetVariable("$...
jquery.uploadify.js (line 17)
The uploadify Script does work as the file is uploaded but it doesn't appear to pass the data to the page. I am not convinced this error is the reason the page isn't working.
How do I do this?
To better explain here is an example:
A person goes to Page A (the main page). On Page A an iFrame is embedded on that page. Inside the iFrame is an uploadify script to allow users to upload a file.
A person uploads a file the uploadify script returns the file name. Example: 528050f030522.jpg
. Once the uploadify script has this information it should send it to Page A's script which then runs and inserts the file name into the page.