Can't get Web Audio API to work with iOS 11 Sa

2019-04-29 18:13发布


So iOS 11 Safari was supposed to add support for the Web Audio API, but it still doesn't seem to work with this javascript code:

//called on page load
get_user_media = get_user_media || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia;  
get_user_media = get_user_media || navigator.mozGetUserMedia;, { "audio": true }, use_stream, function () { });
function use_stream(stream){
    var audio_context = new AudioContext();
    var microphone = audio_context.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
    window.source = microphone; // Workaround for
    var script_processor = audio_context.createScriptProcessor(1024, 1, 1);
    //do more stuff which involves processing the data from user's microphone...

I copy pasted most of this code, so I only have a cursory understanding of it. I know that it's supposed to (and does, on other browsers) capture the user's microphone for further processing. I know that the code breaks on the var audio_context = new AudioContext(); line (as in, no code after that is run), but don't have any error messages cause I don't have a mac which is required to debug iOS Safari (apple die already >_<) Anyone know what's going on and/or how to fix it?

e: forgot to mention that I looked it up and apparently I need the keyword "webkit" before using Web Audio API in Safari, but making it var audio_context = new webkitAudioContext(); doesn't work either


@TomW was on the right track - basically the webkitAudioContext is suspended unless it's created in direct response to the user's tap (before you get the stream).

See my answer at for more details and a working example.


Nothing works on mobile save to home screen apps. I issued a bug report to Apple developer. Got a response that it was a duplicate ( which means they clue if or when they will actually fix it).