Soundcloud API doesn't explicitly support pagi

2019-04-29 15:28发布


Specific example I was working with:

You'll get their first 50 tracks, but there is not next-href object like what you see in the xml version.

However, you can use offset and limit and it works as expected- but then I would need to "blindly" crawl through tracks until there are no more tracks, unlike with the XML version which gives you the "next page" of results. I wouldn't have even noticed it was paginated except by chance when I was searching the json object and noticed there was exactly 50 tracks (which is suspiciously even).

Is there a plan to support the next-href tag in json? Am I missing something? is it a bug that it's missing?


There is an undocumented parameter you can use linked_partitioning=1, that will add next_href to the response.


for ex :

// build our API URL
$clientid = "Your API Client ID"; // Your API Client ID
$userid = "/ IDuser"; // ID of the user you are fetching the information for

// Grab the contents of the URL
//more php get


$soundcloud_url = "{$userid}/tracks.json?client_id={$clientid}&offset={$offset}&limit={$limit}";
$tracks_json = file_get_contents($soundcloud_url);
$tracks = json_decode($tracks_json);

foreach ($tracks as $track) {
    echo "<pre>";
     echo $track->title . ":";
    echo $track->permalink_url . "";
    echo "</pre>";


sI've seen this code is supposed to help (this is in Ruby):

# start paging through results, 100 at a time
tracks = client.get('/tracks', :order => 'created_at', :limit => page_size,
                    :linked_partitioning => 1)
tracks.each { |t| puts t.title }

However, the first set of results will show and i'll even see the "next_href" at the end of the response, but what are you supposed to do, to make the next set of results show?