I have multiple nifi servers that I would like to be able to POST templates to via the REST interface from a script
The "/controller/templates" endpoint appears to be the proper REST endpoint to support POSTing an arbitrary template to my Nifi installation.
The "snippetId" field is what is confusing me, how do I determine "The id of the snippet whose contents will comprise the template"? Does anyone have an example of how I can upload a template "test.xml" to my server without having to use the UI?
The provided documentation is somewhat confusing, and the solution I worked out was derived from the nifi api deploy groovy script at https://github.com/aperepel/nifi-api-deploy
Ultimately, to POST a template directly, you can use the following in Python requests
requests.post("%s/nifi-api/controller/templates"%(url,), files={"template":open(filename, 'rb')})
Where filename is the filename of your template and url is the path to your nifi instance. I haven't figured it out in curl directly but this should hopefully get folks with a similar question started!
Note that you also can't upload a template with the same name as an existing template. Make sure to delete your existing template before attempting to re-upload. Using the untangle library to parse the XML of the template, the following script works just fine:
import untangle, sys, requests
def deploy_template(filename, url):
p = untangle.parse(filename)
r=requests.get("%s/nifi-api/controller/templates"%(url,), headers={"Accept":"application/json"})
for each in r.json()["templates"]:
if each["name"]==new_template_name:
requests.post("%s/nifi-api/controller/templates"%(url,), files={"template":open(filename, 'rb')})
if __name__=="__main__":
deploy_template(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
The API has moved in 1.0 to:
POST /process-groups/{id}/templates/upload
Example, using Python's requests library:
res = requests.post( "{hostname}/nifi-api/process-groups/{destination_process_group}/templates/upload".format( **args ),
files={"template": open( file_path, 'rb')} )
The documentation can be confusing because that endpoint is overloaded and the documentation tool only generates doc for one of them (see NIFI-1113). There is an email thread that addresses the import of a template using curl, so between the above answer and the email thread, hopefully you can find the approach that works for you.
If you want to POST a template to NiFi via cURL you can use the following command:
curl -iv -F template=@my_nifi_template.xml -X POST http://nifi-host:nifi-port/nifi-api/controller/templates
This will add the template to the NiFi instance with the same name that the template was given when it was generated.
And the -iv
is optional - It's just there for debugging purposes.
I've implemented a full Python client for doing this in NiPyApi
Key functions for templates are:
"list_all_templates", "get_template_by_name", "deploy_template",
"upload_template", "create_pg_snippet", "create_template",
"delete_template", "export_template", 'get_template'
The client supports NiFi-1.1.2 - 1.7.1 currently, and NiFi-Registry (which is a lot better than templates for flow deployment)