I want to log user's ip address, referer, and user agent.
In PHP, I can get them from the following variables:
How to get them in ruby?
I want to log user's ip address, referer, and user agent.
In PHP, I can get them from the following variables:
How to get them in ruby?
You need the array request.env
PHP is embedded in a web server. Ruby is a general-purpose language: if you need a web server context, you'll have to install it yourself. Fortunately, it's easy.
One of the easiest ways to get started is with Sinatra. Install the gem:
gem install sinatra
Then create myapp.rb:
require 'sinatra'
get '/' do
Start up the web server:
ruby -rubygems myapp.rb
Visit Sinatra's default URL: http://localhost:4567/
Et voilà.
I'm assuming you by ruby you mean ruby on rails, the following link shows you how to access them: