Is there a simply way to parse two equal signs in the same text in ggplot2's annotate or do I have to annotate twice? (i.e. replace :
by =
in the plot below?)
I can plot with annotate like this
f <- data.frame(x = c(0, 1/1.1), y = c(1/.9, 0))
c <- ggplot(f, aes(x, y))
c + stat_smooth(method = "lm", se=F)
+ annotate("text", x=.6,y=.75, label=(paste0("slope:","frac(1, f[1])==",
coef(lm(f$y ~ f$x))[2])), parse=TRUE)
Which gives me this,
but I cannot have two equal signs like this,
f <- data.frame(x = c(0, 1/1.1), y = c(1/.9, 0))
c <- ggplot(f, aes(x, y))
c + stat_smooth(method = "lm", se=F) + annotate("text", x=.6,y=.75,
label=(paste0("slope==","frac(1, f[1])==", coef(lm(f$y ~ f$x))[2])), parse=TRUE)
I get this error.
Error in parse(text = lab) : <text>:1:23: unexpected '=='
1: slope==frac(1, f[1])==
In my real case I have several fractions, I realize that my working example is very simply and one might ask why replace :
by =
, but it's a working example.