Is there a way to limit the result retrieved from mediastore using managedQuery function on Android. Since I currently have a grid that displaying all photos found on the sd card but it is too intensive of fetching it so I decide to limit the result retrieved from the media store but could not find a limit function that can reduce the resulting set of data.
Please help
use order in contentresolver's query method to implement your function,
such as 'columnname asc limit number'
in my case:
cursor = resolver.query(STORAGE_URI, projection,
new String[] { folderName },
" _id asc limit " + num);
You can limit the result using the sortOrder parameter in query method. Something like this
ContentResolver contentResolver = getContentResolver();
Cursor androidCursor = null;
String sortOrder = String.format("%s limit 100",BaseColumns._ID);
androidCursor = contentResolver.query(IMAGE_URI,PROJECTION, null, null, sortOrder);
This will order the result set by id and limit the result.