I wrote an android program that: has a main activity for UI, and it starts a service. The service timely callbacks the UI activity to update views. It works fine except: if the activity is closed (with BACK) and start again, the service will also be started again (The service plays audio file, so there are two overlapped sounds). I use bindService with BIND_AUTO_CREATE flag to start and connect to service. According to the document, it should create service only if it doesn't exist, but obviously it starts another instance when opened second time. All I want is when the activity is closed, the service goes on running, and when the activity opens again, it can reconnect to the service. Is that possible? Or I just misunderstand the usage of service?
Tried more: Use ICountService (described in .aidl) instead of CountService in bindService Intent. It's onDestroyed is called when the activity is closed.
Below is code of service creating if it helps.
ServiceConnection conn = new ServiceConnection(){
public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName c, IBinder b) {
//binder = (ICountService.Stub) b;
service = ICountService.Stub.asInterface(b);
try {
service.setCallback(new ICountCallback.Stub(){
public void alert() {
public void updateTime(final int sec) {
handler.post(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName c) {
private void startCountService(){
Intent i = new Intent(ICountService.class.getName());
boolean ok = context.bindService(i, conn, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
Log.d("TK", "bindService="+ok);