I have a Spring/JSF Web application which has a dependency to a module uses Freemarker templates. Here is what i did for integration:
I imported the applicationContext-freemarker-module.xml to applicationContext.xml I added the configuration bean to applicationContext-freemarker-module.xml like below.
<bean id="freemarkerConfiguration" class="org.springframework.ui.freemarker.FreeMarkerConfigurationFactoryBean">
<property name="templateLoaderPath" value="classpath*:/"/>
I put my templates to src/main/resources directory of freemarker module. I am reading the templates like below:
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext-freemarker-module.xml");
Configuration templateConfig = (Configuration) context.getBean("freemarkerConfiguration");
Template template = templateConfig.getTemplate("template.ftl");
Now i tried so many values for templateLoaderPath property but i always got the "Template not found." exception.
Freemarker module's JAR is like below
com/.../ (classes)
Where should i put the template files and what should i set for templateLoaderPath value? I could not understand why "template.ftl" can not be found. I am trying to set the right value for many hours. I tried various path configurations without success.
Thanks a lot for your help,