I'm not even sure how to debug this: I'm using send_mail in one of my views in Django. It works fine when using the app locally (using the same SMTP settings I use in production), and it works fine from the shell in production (again, using the same settings). But when I actually use the app in production, the message doesn't send. Any idea how to troubleshoot?
I won't paste in the whole view, but here's the relevant section.
if request.method == 'POST':
message, form = decideform(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
invitation.status = form.cleaned_data['status']
message, form = decideform(request.POST)
update = 'Thank you for updating your status.'
# Send an email confirming their change
subject = 'Confirming your RSVP [%s %s]' % (invitation.user.first_name, invitation.user.last_name)
body = message + ' Remember, the URL to update or change your RSVP is http://the.url%s.' % invitation.get_absolute_url()
send_mail(subject, body, 'rsvp@mydomain.com', ['rsvp@mydomain.com', invitation.user.email], fail_silently=True)
And here's the relevant bits from my local_settings file, with salient details altered for security's sake:
EMAIL_HOST = 'mail.mydomain.com'
EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'rsvp@mydomain.com'
DEFAULT_FROM_USER = 'rsvp@mydomain.com'