The following error occurs when trying to build an android app with cordova and the cordova-crosswalk
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring root project 'android'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':_armv7DebugCompile'.
> Could not find any version that matches
Searched in the following locations:
Required by:
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
Total time: 2.918 secs
throw e;
Error code 1 for command: /home/remi/dev/git/gitlab/sirap-sas/tereo-mobile/platforms/android/gradlew with args: cdvBuildDebug,-b,/home/remi/dev/git/gitlab/sirap-sas/tereo-mobile/platforms/android/build.gradle,-PcdvBuildArch=arm,-Dorg.gradle.daemon=true
ERROR running one or more of the platforms: Error: /home/remi/dev/git/gitlab/sirap-sas/tereo-mobile/platforms/android/cordova/run: Command failed with exit code 1
You may not have the required environment or OS to run this project
Please notice that section:
Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':_armv7DebugCompile'.
It can happen because building an android project with the crosswalk plugin try to build two apks
: one for ARM
, the other for x86
The solution is to install Android Support Repository :
- Open the SDK manager (from command line, type
- Under
, Make sure you have Android Support Repository
and Google Repository
Update answer
Seems starting from crosswalk 16, Android Support Repository
and Google Repository
is not enough.
You need to install Local Maven repository for Support Libraries
from Extras
as well.
for me Solution was:
i updated crosswalk to @15.44.384.13
ionic browser add crosswalk@15.44.384.13
then i changed config.xml:
<preference name="xwalkVersion" value="15+" />
cuz versions "16+" - "18+" not work for me
It may be the problem when you did not include google support respository and android support repository under extras. as well as when you not update the cordova with your cordova platform.because cordova and cordova platform must be use latest version.update your Cordova with npm update cordova -g --save and cordova platform with cordova platform update platform_name(like android).
This worked for me
1.goto platforms\android\cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview folder
2.Open .gradle file
dependencies { compile xwalkSpec }
and replace with
dependencies {
compile 'org.xwalk:xwalk_core_library:22.52.561.4'
note: 22.52.561.4 is version of crasswalk on your machine
to know it , open ionic app , chrome://inspect then
This will print some lines , copy xwalk details from there
I know it's a little late to add an answer. but I faced this issue for a long time and none of these steps fixed it. If your IP is from Iran, then you should build your project with VPN on. It seems that dependencies are banned for some countries.